Monday 1 July 2013

I Love You More! ♥

This update is to my Chicken boy =) Sorry to be such a weirdo/bitch or whatever, last night. I'm keep on doing the same thing again and again. I just can't accept anything even its a normal thing when it comes to you. I just don't know why, okay. I don't have the patience to tell you the dissatisfaction about you, slowly and softly. I really can't be without being thinking things negatively. Only one reason, i'm scared that YOU WILL LEAVE ME/ SOMEBODY WILL TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME. I always breaking my promises. It is all my fault. First, logged in your FB without your knowledge. Second, read your messages. Third, underestimated you without think wisely. Fourth, suspected you even though, we have been together for 5 years. All i know is i don't wanna lose you. I want all our dreams,wishes and whatever we plan to become true. Please forgive me for accused you last night. I didn't meant to hurt you, please understand. I'm sorry to act like a stupid girl yesterday.  Millions of sorry, dear.... i love you more!

p/s: I wrote this sincerely, didn't keeping  any unnecessary things inside my heart or mind. Forgive me. Please don't hate me. Sheavy and Pershiya are missing you =')



Our memories (2011/2012) 
I love you till my last breath, i want to grow old with you =/ 

Sunday 23 June 2013

Posting Time =I

Hello people... Ahuh!! i'm blogging after a long long time....  Yes, sekarang saya sedang buat practical di Hospital Muadzam Shah.. And i'm staying in a shop house with one of my classmate. Hmm, here agak bosan lah jugak compare with KL....Weekend lagi bosan, at the same time, my broadband rosak. So, faham-fahamlah betapa bosannya hidup saya without social network.. Even now i'm blogging via Wi-fi in the hospital. Spending my leisure time, actually. I don't know how i'm gonna survive here for another 4 months, with a roommate that not close enough, actually. To be frank, rasa macam nak lari je dari tempat ni, sebab bosan dah sampai tak boleh bosan =(

And yeah, haze is getting worst, day to day. So, people, please wear a face mask whenever you go out. Especially, children and elderly. Drink plenty of warm water, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables to keep your immunity strong. If possible please stay home. Oops! Masa sudah time! Bye!

Thank you =)

Sunday 19 May 2013

No more long conversation =(

Hye blogger! I'm blogging after a long time. Currently, i am very busy with my lab reports and (OSPE) Objective Structured Clinical/Practical Examination. Hmm, time flies so fast. Its time to pack up my things and say bye bye to my friends and Kuala Lumpur. But i'm still happy that mom and daddy gonna come and fetch me =) That's gonna be a different experience. Okay, lets get back to our topic. Hmmmm,,, I'm really in a heartbroken status. Its all because of love. Don't get it wrong... my gentleman and me are never gonna face a break,, HEHE!!... Actually, both of us always keep in touch by phone, even we're fallen asleep while hanging on the phone. You would be wonder like "talk until falling asleep''? Yeah, thats true, because,  he was using a Digi Prepaid Beyond which was launched a few years back, 2010 i guess. One day, i got a forward message from him, about the Digi user fair limitation. I was like, Sheesh! But why??!! And i was wondering why bad things always happen to good people. =/

So, now we are continuing our conversation only for a few seconds instead of hours, only text messages, no more long conversation =(  But its okay, because i'm gonna meet him, soon! We have planned to go to Senibong Resort to spend our quality time. Can't wait to meet you, give you a big big, tight tight, huggies and kisses! I  love you to the moon and back, my teddy bear!

p/s: I miss those fights and romances we did in the phone, Chicken Boy !!!

                                                     You look cute in your new shirt, it suits you!!
                                                                   I love you to the max !!! 

                                                This one was taken in Times Square =)
                                                          You got that swag, don't you? 

                                             This is his new pet, he sent me through Skype =D
                                                           a gugirl puppy, "Missy"

Thank you... =)

Sunday 28 April 2013

Did you know?

Greets people. Bosannya minggu ini and i know minggu akan datang pun macam inilah, FOR SURE! Final exam pun sudah habis, now, waiting for the results. So, now i'm facing the boredom. Nak jugak jalan-jalan, pergi tengok IRON MAN 3 sambil makan popcorn dengan bf, pergi Time Square sambil shopping, pergi karaoke, makan Dunkin Donut sambil berInstagram, etc. But, not enough money. I have to thrifty, that's my parent's daily advice. So, kerja saya masa lapang, blogging, main game, basuh baju, facebook, dengar lagu, gayut, etc. Etc tu pun bukan interesting. EEEEE geramnya! Nak balik JB tapi kena balik KL lagi on coming Khamis. Kena ulang-alik, leceh, rugi sebab sekejap je balik. Okay back to our topic today..... korang pernah tak mengalami awkward moment ini? Have you ever faced this crap?

This is how i am during boredom!

My answer is YES! Bangganya.... Did you know? wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times! HUH???? First time, tengok statement ini, saya terus terbayang macam bacteria dalam telinga tengah sibuk menari ikut rentak lagu Oppa Gangnam Style, memang Jahanam Style la jadinya. XD  Patutlah telinga saya gatal-gatal sampai dah tak boleh gatal!! Hmm... Bacteria yang berzaman-zaman kat dalam telinga tu mula membesar dan replicate dengan cepat di persekitaran gelap dan lembap panas. So, kalau boleh jangan share headphone, ataupun bersihkan dengan disinfectant. Then, sentiasa bersihkan telinga dengan olive oil, untuk keluarkan kotoran dengan mudah. 

Thank you =)


Friday 26 April 2013

Kawan-kawanku ♥

Greets people. Hari ni sundra nak kenalkan kawan-kawanku yang dalam contact dengan ku selama dua tahun  =) Wahh dua tahun? Lama tu. Kan? Saya ni jenis tak suka ngam sangat dengan orang, tapi kalau dah ngam, mmm... ehem...segala-galanya akan keluar dengan spontannya.... faham-faham la ye. peace yaww!!  XD Saya tak ngam, bukan sebab saya ni sombong ke, hidung tinggi ke, ehh sama lah tu....okay...saya ni memang lambat sikit kalau nak jadi kawan rapat, tak tahu la kenapa tapi percaya tak saya ada 12 orang kawan yang  rapat. Haha!! ramai kan? Okay, kita mula dari yang eldest.....

          ♥Rudy & Kak Huda@diva kampung : My eldest friends. Both of them always do funny things♥

                         ♥Nurul Farahanie @ Nunu @ kucing : She loves cat and looks like cat too =3♥
                                   ♥Lezaini @ zazai : She's good in belly dance XD she loves to dance♥

            ♥Norshafiqa Azwa @ Pika @ Mama Pika @ Penguin : She is a friendly person.We all love her!♥

                                   ♥Siti Nur Fitria @ Fitt : She likes to go Time Square & KLCC♥

                         ♥Marhidayanie @ yaney : She loves to sing. She's a good singer as well =)♥

                                       ♥Syafnur @ Nur : She's the girl tallest person among us. Friendly =D♥

                     ♥Nur Nisrin @ Rin @ Miss Bambam : She loves to read novels. Kind-hearted girl♥

  ♥Prishilla Brinda@Binda@mybindu : I've mention about her before, my cute and loyal friend, i think =D♥

                        ♥Fatin Nur Anisah@Atin@ballerina : She loves Elmo and loves to dance.♥

 ♥Liana Winlenliane@lyeana@gamuk@leen : She loves to read novels.♥

Ahuh!...inilah kawan-kawanku.....♥♥♥ 
Semua comel-comel belaka =D mestilah....kawan si comel mestilah comel, kan comel? "merepek" 

Troll face activated*

Thank you =)

Sunday 21 April 2013

Tamil New Year

Greets people. Rindunya dengan blog saya, dah 13 hari saya tak update blog. Ini semua sebab broadband rosak!! =( Banyak tau kenangan dalam 13 hari ni. Sebenarnya, 13 hari tu bukan cuti pun, semata-mata dah tau habis syllabus, saya terus rush nak pergi TBS. Over kan? hahaha...mestilah, rindu dekat family, mestilah kena over! =D Agree? Sambil makan Nan Cheese lagi tu dalam bas. Lagilah over! COI! Okay back to our topic hari ni. Ahad lepas, 14th April 2013, saya sambut Tamil New Year dengan family saya. Saya tak tahu sangat pasal sejarah perayaan ni, but all i know is, saya boleh makan ponggal rice.

Sweets on banana leaf

Uhuh! Inilah saya makan semasa Tamil New Year hari tu. Antara sweets ni, satu je home-made, Ponggal Rice. Yang lain tu semua mak beli kat kedai. Guess yang mana ponggal rice?? Haha, dah tau kan? Yang tak tau tu, mai saya tunjuk. Ponggal rice tu nasi yang warna coklat tu. Yang warna oren bulat-bulat macam ping pong ball tu nama dia Laddu. Yang warna putih tu palgova. Yang macam donut tu, athurasam. Bawah athurasam warna oren tu jillebbi. Yang warna oren sama rupa macam palgova tu nama dia candy. Last sekali, pisang lah. Say hi to them. Okay dah selesai temu ramah dia orang ni? Dia orang ni semua memang manis gila. Takda yang, pahit ke, masam ke masin ke.... takda =) Sebab, setiap perayaan kita mestilah kita celebrate dengan makanan yang manis kan?  Jillebbi & Laddu, my all time favorite sweets. I'm always craving for it walaupun saya dah makan. hihhihi... Okay on next entry, i will update how to make a sweet and delicious ponggal rice. 

Thank you =)

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Hello, Instagram!

Greets people! Sejak start short semester, dah jarang guna wifi dalam iphone. Biasa guna wifi dekat kolej, tapi sekarang jarang dah pegi kolej sebab tiga-tiga subjek dah habis syllabus. Tapi petang tadi wifi kat kolej memang slow. Memang tak boleh buat apa pun. So, lepas habis kelas, my cute+crazy friend Prishilla Brinda and me pergi Steven Corner. Cun kan nama dia? Dia kawan saya sejak tadika, lepas tu lose contact, hahah time tu tak pernah jumpa pun =D then, kenal kat sekolah rendah. One day, jumpa dia lagi coincidentally, dia sama kolej dengan Sundra. Best kan dapat kawan macam ni? Sentiasa bersama. Okay back to our story! Cut! Action!.....Pernah pergi Steven Corner tak. Mmmm, makanannya memang sedap. Lagi lah, I suka, hehe... Kat Steven Corner ni, ada jual Nan Cheese. My all time favorite dish. 

Biasanya menu Nan Cheese starts at 6.00pm, tapi kita singgah sana baru pukul 5 lebih,,,,hmmm i terus sedih, "Alamak, tak boleh makan Nan Cheese la ni???? Macam mana ni???" hahah nasib baik waiter tu baik hati. Dia cakap, " you nak ke, boleh je, dalam beberapa minit''. Broad-smile!!! Suka! Suka! I order Nan Cheese with Milo panas. KAW KAW PUNYA! Sambil usik iphone, tiba-tiba nampak kat tiang, Steven Corner's wifi, password *******. Yay! lupa ada wifi kat sini, i terus on wifi kat iphone, then terus pegi appstore untuk install game. Sambil cari game, tiba-tiba nampak instagram. i terus install instagram. Wahh,,, lajunya wifi dia. Dalam beberapa saat, dah install. YAY! Then, i register. Lepas tu, mula lah amek gambar Nan cheese dengan Milo panas yang kaw-kaw tu. Then, apa lagi? EDITLAH!! hhaahaha....i tak tahan gelak sambil amek gambar nan cheese dengan milo panas tu sebab teringat Harith Iskandar cakap pasal update gambar kat facebook dalam rancangan Lawak Ke Der!!  XD

Korang boleh follow Sundra kat instagram =)
Username : sundrapraveen

    Nan Cheese with Hot Milo. Yang belakang tu kuah dhal kacang hijau. 
Best combination !

Thank you.